November 2018 - THIS week's PICTURE

Northern Sky : photo by Malcolm Aslett


The curvature always gives that sense of a big world made small, and yet when viewing what appears to be a wilderness gives it a seperate world quality.

This was taken on the North East coast during a very cold spell in the early part of the year. A bitter wind was coming in off the sea...Winter is not quite coming as it was Winter but this was a cold snap in Winter. Ah, I can't see Game of Thrones fans worrying that bit of dialogue will supersede the original.

There is usually a colour cast to snow pictures and then you have to decide whether to leave it or deal with it. Grey, Blue. Those are the usual colours of snow in photographs. It's part of the detail. Making everything white again wipes that detail. I still went for a clean up because I wanted some bright freshness in the middle of that barren spread. As I did the land as one part and the sky another there was a sharp difference in the two in terms of hue. I adjusted the sky but wanted it dark and forebidding.

The perspective helps the drama.




